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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Wednesday, October 4th

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Wednesday, October 4th:

· Travel to Las Vegas, Nevada

· Visit with patients and medical professionals

· Visit with civilian heroes and first responders

· Travel to Washington, D.C.

Las Vegas Police Just Issued An Incredible Update On The Mass Shooting!!

What do you think? Please share and comment.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Thursday, September 21st

Schedule for Thursday, September 21st:

· Meeting with President of Afghanistan

· Expanded meeting with President of Afghanistan

· Expanded meeting with President of Ukraine

· Expanded meeting with President of the Republic of Korea

· Working lunch with Prime Minister of Japan and President of the Republic of Korea

· Expanded meeting with Prime Minister of Japan

· Expanded meeting with President of Turkey

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Tuesday, September 26th

Schedule for Tuesday, September 26th:

· Daily intelligence briefing

· Meeting with bipartisan members of the House Committee on Ways and Means

· Briefing on hurricane recovery efforts

· Meeting with President Mariano Rajoy of Spain

· Working luncheon with President Rajoy

· Joint press conference with President Rajoy

· Travel to New York, NY

· U.S. Mission greeting

· Meeting with Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee

· Roundtable with RNC supporters

· Remarks at the RNC finance dinner

· Travel to Washington, D.C.

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Wednesday, September 27th

Schedule for Wednesday, September 27th:

· Daily intelligence briefing

· Meeting with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

· Travel to to Indianapolis, IN

· Remarks on tax reform

· Travel to to Washington, D.C.

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Saturday, September 30th

Schedule for Saturday, September 30th:

· Phone call with Administrator of FEMA Brock Long

· Phone call with Governor Ricardo Rosselló of Puerto Rico

· Phone call with Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Jenniffer González-Colón

· Phone call with Luis Fortuño, former Governor of Puerto Rico

· Phone call with Governor Kenneth Mapp of the US Virgin Islands

Just in: Timeline of massive federal response in Puerto Rico

For those who don't let the truth get in the way of a good story here's the actual timeline of massive federal response in Puerto Rico:

President Donald J. Trump's schedule for Saturday, September 30th

Schedule for Saturday, September 30th:

· Phone call with Administrator of FEMA Brock Long

· Phone call with Governor Ricardo Rosselló of Puerto Rico

· Phone call with Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Jenniffer González-Colón

· Phone call with Luis Fortuño, former Governor of Puerto Rico

· Phone call with Governor Kenneth Mapp of the US Virgin Islands

Friday, September 29, 2017

BREAKING: Look What This NFL Team Did Because Their QB Refused To Kneel

A recent report has claimed that the Oakland Raiders threw their football game because quarterback Derek Carr refused to kneel for the national anthem.

From Infowars:

A new report from The Armstrong and Getty Radio Show has sent shockwaves throughout the sports world after it was claimed that members of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders may have purposefully allowed their star quarterback to get sacked multiple times after he refused to kneel during the National Anthem.

If true, this would essentially mean that an NFL football game was illegally thrown over anger that one of the teams star white players did not believe that kneeling during the nations anthem was the correct way to protest supposed racial injustice in America.

In other words, an epic level scandal.

During the anthem, virtually the entire team was seen kneeling other than the teams coaches and star quarterback Derek Carr. Unfortunately, this may have not set well with the teams offensive line as they were apparently the players who spearheaded the entire idea to kneel as a team in the first.

“This is one hell of a scandal with the NFL, could ruin the whole league,” claimed the show before detailing the fact that Carr was sacked two times in a row on the teams second drive and that the teams usually dependable center snapped the ball at the wrong time in three different instances. Extremely capable receivers also made multiple “weird” drops of passes thrown by Carr that T.V. announcers even noted at the time.

The radio show then revealed bombshell “insider information” from an “extremely reliable” source who claimed that members of the Oakland Raiders did indeed throw the game as a sort of punishment for Carr choosing to not use the countries anthem to make a political statement.

“He wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field,” one of the teams offensive lineman said, according to the shows source. Keep in mind, the offensive line are literally the guys whose job it is to protect the quarterback, in this case the star player who didn’t kneel.

Read more: (Link:

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The NFL boycott is real. Look what's happening to this store

Since Sunday when most Pittsburgh Steelers stayed in the locker room for the national anthem, Susan Moedinger, owner of Steel City Sports in the Rockvale Outlets, has heard from dozens of customers who are now boycotting her store.

Rush Limbaugh, who is a big Steelers fan said he did not watch the NFL for the first time in 45 years. He said the NFL has lost its "mystique."

From transcript:

“I was so sad Sunday morning when all of this started falling out. I was not sad after Friday night when the president made his comments. And I had no doubt afterward what the reaction was going to be and I had no doubt where public opinion was gonna fall. And I had no doubt how people in the NFL from players to the commissioner to media people were gonna get it wrong, and they have, and they did.

But if you’ll permit me first, I was personally saddened. I did not watch the National Football League yesterday, and it was the first time in 45 years that I made an active decision not to watch, including my team, the Pittsburgh Steelers. It was not a decision made in anger. It was genuine sadness. I realized that I can no longer look at this game and watch this game and study this game and pretend, you know, fantasize, everything a fan does. This whole thing has removed for me the ingredients that are in the recipe that make up a fan. The mystique is gone. That actually started vanishing a while ago. The larger-than-life aspect of it is gone. The belief, the wish, the desire that the people in the game were the best and brightest and special, and that’s why they were there, that’s gone. And it’s been politicized. It has been politicized and corrupted, and it didn’t start this weekend. It started years ago.

I couldn’t predict this specific event, but my sadness actually began years ago when all of the attention focused on the danger and the supposed attempt to hide all of that, not specifically just the concussions. The whole aura that that created. The sports media began to criticize that which they report on. It just became politicized. It simply just became politicized. And the people politicizing it, since we’re talking about politics, the people that politicized it are people on the left. And when that happens, things change. It’s just over.”

HT (Link:

Wow! Even more bad news for the NFL

The NFL ratings is now down 11 percent and dropping faster than a rock.

From AP News:

Through three weeks, viewership for national telecasts of NFL games is down 11 percent this season compared to 2016, the Nielsen company said on Tuesday.

Nielsen said the games averaged 17.63 million viewers for the first three weeks of last season, and have dipped to 15.65 million this year. The Nielsen figures don’t include many of the Sunday afternoon games that are shown to a regional audience, but not a national one.

The NFL ratings are in focus because of President Donald Trump’s suggestion that viewers are turned off by a protest against police brutality that began with quarterback Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the national anthem. The protests spread rapidly this past weekend following the president’s criticism of people involved.

Read more: (Link:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The legends of football in the cartoon film

Friday, September 22, 2017

Youngest teenager dancing in her room on Bigo live #5

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Today I want to show you about Youngest teenager dancing in her room on Bigo live #5.
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8 Places Around the World Where Taking Photos Is Against the Law

Vacations are a long-awaited time of travel and leisure that should only leave warm memories and bright impressions. However, in some countries, obscure rules and weird restrictions can get unwitting tourists in trouble with the law.

Today Bright Side presents a list of places where taking holiday snaps might not be such a good idea.

8. Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Red Light District in Amsterdam is famous for its brothels, picturesque canals, and coffee shops. In this part of the city, the local proprietors hate it when tourists take photos of the prostitutes standing in the windows. If you venture to this place carrying a camera, at best, someone might wrench it away. At worst, you risk being beaten up.

7. South Korea

In this country, it is forbidden to photograph women without their consent — even in public places. Neglecting to observe this rule is considered an act of sexual aggression and is punishable by a fine of 10 million won ($8,800) and up to 5 years imprisonment.

6. USA

In the United States, the laws related to taking photographs are much more relaxed than in South Korea. Still, you might get in trouble in some cases, the likeliest of which would be taking pictures of private property. It’s always advisable to first acquire permission to photograph from the property’s owner. And, most importantly, always pay attention to prohibiting signs.

5. United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, taking photographs in forbidden places may result in 1 to 3 months imprisonment and a $1,361 fine. In many locations, it is prohibited to use cameras because of local superstitions. Also, you cannot photograph government buildings, certain bridges, and palaces of the Sheikhs. The palace-related ban is actually written down in the country’s legislation.

4. North Korea

If you want to visit this country, be prepared for severe restrictions on your movements and behavior. In North Korea, you are not allowed to leave your hotel without a guide, nor can you take photographs without the guide’s permission. Should you fail to comply, you’ll find yourself facing a fine or something even worse.

3. England

The Brits tend to treat camera-crazed tourists with understanding. You can take amateur photos almost anywhere in the country, but commercial photography requires special authorization. For instance, commercial shooting in Trafalgar Square and Parliament Square can only be carried out with the permission of the Mayor of London.

2. Japan

In Japan, it is forbidden to photograph certain temples and statues. Apparently, taking snaps might annoy the spirits. Here you can find a full list of those locations — some of them mustn’t be photographed at all, while others are off-limits during certain times of the year.

1. Algeria

Algeria is pretty much conservative, especially the southern part of the country. You can take pictures of men only after obtaining their consent. Women can be photographed only with the consent of their husbands or fathers, as they are considered to be their property. It is strictly prohibited to take photos of bridges, dams, and military objects.

Read more: brightside

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

YouTube subscriber generator safety | how to increase YouTube subscriber...

Saturday, August 12, 2017

10 home remedies for improving posture

Have you ever met people who looked like they were much older than their actual age simply because of their poor posture? Besides prematurely aging yourself, poor posture puts a strain on your lungs and intestines as they get mashed together, according to WebMD.

Correcting your posture doesn't have to require fancy devices or expensive gadgets. Listed below are 10 simple things you can do at home to help yourself sit and stand tall, improving your body's ability to function properly.

1. Sit up straight. Although slouching can seem comfortable when you're sitting at your desk all day, the Mayo Clinic says to sit up straight in your chair. Simply be sure to keep both feet flat on the floor, sit with your bottom all the way to the back of the chair, and keep your knees at a 90-degree angle.

2. Lift mobile devices. In this era of mobile devices, heads are often bowed over cell phones and tablets, creating a phenomenon called "text neck." To avoid this, WebMD says to lift your mobile devices to eye level when reading.

3. Stand tall. Embrace your height. Don't slouch when standing, but rather, act as if you are being measured for your height. This will keep your body in proper alignment according to WebMD.

4. Avoid heels. High heels should be saved for special occasions as they tend to put unneeded pressure on you lower back. WebMD recommends saving them for special nights out rather than everyday use.

5. Use a firm mattress. The spine needs good support even when sleeping. WebMD recommends using a firm mattress and appropriate pillow when catching your rest.

6. Strengthen your core. The Mayo Clinic points out that a strong core helps you to keep your spine aligned well. Doing exercises to strengthen core muscles will help.

7. Use a posture app. Downloading a posture app on your mobile device is a convenient way to remind yourself to correct your posture. These apps can even offer suggestions for good posture according to the Mayo Clinic.

8. Place reminders. If technology isn't your thing, you can go low-tech with post-it notes around the house and office. The Mayo Clinic says the key is simply to remind yourself to have good posture, retraining yourself.

9. Don't recline behind the wheel. WebMD recommends sitting closer to the steering wheel, with the knees slightly elevated rather than reclining.
10. Take time to reflect. Whenever you pass a mirror, take a look and see how you're doing with your posture, recommends the Mayo Clinic.
Say goodbye to slouching and hello to proper posture. With a little help from technology or low-tech post-it's, you can straighten up and look good.

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Friday, August 11, 2017

10 home remedies for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can be a source of irritation. Well-meaning friends often inquire if everything is okay when in reality, dark circles are the source of your discomfort-nothing else.

Trying to rid yourself of those pesky circles can be a real trial. Below are 10 home remedies that may help reduce the dark circles under your eyes. Give them a try and see how they work.

1. Cucumber slices. Phillip Artemi of the Australasian College of Dermatologists told Reader's Digest that cool cucumber slices placed on your eyes help constrict the blood vessels and may temporarily reduce dark circles.

2. Eye cream. WebMD suggests trying eye creams with bleach to help lighten stubborn circles. The moisturizers in the cream will help keep the sensitive skin around the eyes nice and supple.

3. Sleep. Often times, dark circles can be a sign that you aren't getting enough sleep. WebMD recommends getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night as an adult.

4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Alcohol and caffeine can cause mild dehydration, so if your circles are extra dark, WebMD says to try avoiding them.

5. Vitamin K. Skin care products with vitamin K are also recommended by WebMD.

6. Concealer. Another trick recommended by WebMD is using a concealer that's a shade lighter under your eyes.

7. Tea bags. Using cool, wet tea bags on your eyes may also help. WebMD states that tea helps fight inflammation and dark circles, so tea bags may help fight dark circles.

8. Sunglasses. Sun can increase the darkness of the circles, so wearing sunglasses with UV protection may help reduce your dark circles according to WebMD.

9. Eye mask. Reader's Digest states that the Skin and Cancer Foundation of Australia recommends trying a cool eye mask to help constrict the blood flow around the eyes. It can also encourage resting.

10. Antihistamines. Allergies can be the culprit for dark circles, so trying oral antihistamines or nasal sprays to help reduce dark circles is recommended by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists in Reader's Digest

Read more: remedydaily 
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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Car cheapest insurance

Sponsor: Couple Having Nice Kissing Hot Scene

Car cheapest insurance

The five cheapest cars for teens to insure – and what they actually drive.

Vauxhall’s flagship car, the Corsa, is the most popular vehicle among younger drivers – but they would save £400 if they picked a rival hatchback.

By opting for the Peugeot 107 as their first car instead, a driver aged between 17 and 25 would pay £900 for fully comprehensive insurance, compared with £1,305 for the Corsa.

The small engine of the Peugeot is the biggest factor in bringing premiums down compared with other, more powerful models. It’s also a cheaper option to buy. A brand new three-door 107 sells for around £6,000 whereas the 2015 Vauxhall Corsa starts at £9,000.

But research shows that the Peugeot is less favoured among younger drivers, according to insurance quotes searched via comparison service Comparethemarket, which includes information about a person's age and car model.
"Under-25s typically spend half of their car’s value on insurance"

Among those cars that are perhaps less fashionable, but cheaper to insure, are the Fiat 500, Citroën C1, Kia Picanto and Toyota Aygo. All of these cars can be covered for £706 or less.

But none of these cars are favoured by motorists in their teens and early 20s.

According to the data, under-25s would prefer a Ford Fiesta (£915 to insure), Renault Clio (£980 to insure), Volkswagen Golf (£1,104) and the Vauxhall Astra (£883).

Under-25s typically spend half of their car’s value on insurance, and the cost of getting a younger driver on the road has by increased 18pc in the past year, to £2,232 on average for 17-year-old.
The cheapest cars for young drivers to insure

Peugeot 107
Insurance costs for under-25s: £900

Fiat 500
Insurance costs for under-25s: £912

Citroen C1
Insurance costs for under-25s: £928

Kia Picanto
Insurance costs for under-25s: £955

Toyota Aygo
Insurance costs for under-25s: £970

Vauxhall Corsa
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,304

Ford Fiesta
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,266

Renault Clio
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,248

Volkswagen Golf
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,702

Vauxhall Astra
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,402

Source: telegraph

Car cheapest insurance

Sponsor: Couple Having Nice Kissing Hot Scene

Car cheapest insurance

The five cheapest cars for teens to insure – and what they actually drive.

Vauxhall’s flagship car, the Corsa, is the most popular vehicle among younger drivers – but they would save £400 if they picked a rival hatchback.

By opting for the Peugeot 107 as their first car instead, a driver aged between 17 and 25 would pay £900 for fully comprehensive insurance, compared with £1,305 for the Corsa.

The small engine of the Peugeot is the biggest factor in bringing premiums down compared with other, more powerful models. It’s also a cheaper option to buy. A brand new three-door 107 sells for around £6,000 whereas the 2015 Vauxhall Corsa starts at £9,000.

But research shows that the Peugeot is less favoured among younger drivers, according to insurance quotes searched via comparison service Comparethemarket, which includes information about a person's age and car model.
"Under-25s typically spend half of their car’s value on insurance"

Among those cars that are perhaps less fashionable, but cheaper to insure, are the Fiat 500, Citroën C1, Kia Picanto and Toyota Aygo. All of these cars can be covered for £706 or less.

But none of these cars are favoured by motorists in their teens and early 20s.

According to the data, under-25s would prefer a Ford Fiesta (£915 to insure), Renault Clio (£980 to insure), Volkswagen Golf (£1,104) and the Vauxhall Astra (£883).

Under-25s typically spend half of their car’s value on insurance, and the cost of getting a younger driver on the road has by increased 18pc in the past year, to £2,232 on average for 17-year-old.
The cheapest cars for young drivers to insure

Peugeot 107
Insurance costs for under-25s: £900

Fiat 500
Insurance costs for under-25s: £912

Citroen C1
Insurance costs for under-25s: £928

Kia Picanto
Insurance costs for under-25s: £955

Toyota Aygo
Insurance costs for under-25s: £970

Vauxhall Corsa
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,304

Ford Fiesta
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,266

Renault Clio
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,248

Volkswagen Golf
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,702

Vauxhall Astra
Insurance costs for under-25s: £1,402

Source: telegraph

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

8 Mistakes That Spoil the Shape of Your Bust

The décolleté area is very delicate. While we take care of our faces, we should not forget about our bust. In our everyday life, we often forget about this body part and do not give the necessary care to it.
Lovelygirls presents the 8 most common missteps that deserve our attention.

The wrong size of bra

Surprisingly, only 25% of women wear bras in the correct size. Other women choose smaller or bigger sizes. Both of these choices are wrong: breasts lose their shape without necessary support, and tight lingerie constricts blood vessels.

Tweezing hairs

Delicate breast skin is sensitive to hair tweezing. It is better to remove unwanted hair in more gentle ways.

Breast pinching

It seems that some women may like it. However, it is not totally harmless: the effect from pinching can be compared to that of tight lingerie.


Any piercing is potentially dangerous because of the risk of inflammation. Breast piercing is even more dangerous because lymph nodes lies very close here. One more disadvantage: it is impossible to wear lace lingerie with pierced nipples.

Jogging without a sports bra

The G-force of Mother Earth is still there. Jogging and performing other activities without a special sports bra may lead to breast deformation.

Sleeping on your stomach

Your breasts won’t become smaller, but their shape may change with time. If you want to sleep on your stomach in a way that’s harmless to your bust, put a blanket or a pillow under yourself.

Not using creams

Décolleté zone skin should be moisturized and protected from the sun. You should remember that the skin here is very sensitive.

Plastic surgery

Some women are happy with the size of their breasts. The difference between the size and the shape of lacteal glands occurs frequently. However, it is not important enough to resort to surgery.
Source: brightside